Money Matters 2025

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Making dollars and sense of the 2025 County budget

🆕 A follow-up budget survey is now open for residents and businesses to have their say about Strathcona County’s budget, spending and priorities. This second round of engagement follows the spring survey that asked our community for their thoughts about spending priorities, tax increases and County services. The survey is open August 26 - September 9, 2024. Survey respondents have an opportunity to enter a draw for one of six $50 grocery gift cards. Full contest rules here.

We're digging into some deeper conversations and would love your input on:

  • Priority service levels
  • Service areas
  • Tax rates
  • County spending

In addition to the survey, you're invited to:

Your feedback helps Council deliver a budget that balances what we must do to keep our community functioning - along with ensuring supports and services are planned for future generations.

Next steps:

  • Survey results will be presented to Council in October. Council will consider this important feedback as they enter into budget discussions in November.
  • You can speak directly to Council at a non-statutory public hearing on November 21 at 5 p.m. Please note, you must register by 4 p.m. the day before, and there is a 5-minute time limit. Contact the Legislative Officer at or at 780-464-8014 to register.

Spring survey results: Check out the report highlights presented to Council in July, or read the full report here. Our fall engagement builds on this feedback, and helps clarify any areas where there were information gaps.

Making dollars and sense of the 2025 County budget

🆕 A follow-up budget survey is now open for residents and businesses to have their say about Strathcona County’s budget, spending and priorities. This second round of engagement follows the spring survey that asked our community for their thoughts about spending priorities, tax increases and County services. The survey is open August 26 - September 9, 2024. Survey respondents have an opportunity to enter a draw for one of six $50 grocery gift cards. Full contest rules here.

We're digging into some deeper conversations and would love your input on:

  • Priority service levels
  • Service areas
  • Tax rates
  • County spending

In addition to the survey, you're invited to:

Your feedback helps Council deliver a budget that balances what we must do to keep our community functioning - along with ensuring supports and services are planned for future generations.

Next steps:

  • Survey results will be presented to Council in October. Council will consider this important feedback as they enter into budget discussions in November.
  • You can speak directly to Council at a non-statutory public hearing on November 21 at 5 p.m. Please note, you must register by 4 p.m. the day before, and there is a 5-minute time limit. Contact the Legislative Officer at or at 780-464-8014 to register.

Spring survey results: Check out the report highlights presented to Council in July, or read the full report here. Our fall engagement builds on this feedback, and helps clarify any areas where there were information gaps.

Page last updated: 05 Sep 2024, 02:59 PM