Water Use and Summer Watering Survey

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We’d like to better understand the outdoor water usage of Strathcona County residents, and how residential yards, activities and practices shape our summer water trends. Learning about your water use actions in summer months can help us develop tools and programs to help save water when demands are at their peak.

Take the survey

Interested in learning more about your water usage and tips for water conservation? Check out our water usage calculator

We’d like to better understand the outdoor water usage of Strathcona County residents, and how residential yards, activities and practices shape our summer water trends. Learning about your water use actions in summer months can help us develop tools and programs to help save water when demands are at their peak.

Take the survey

Interested in learning more about your water usage and tips for water conservation? Check out our water usage calculator

Page published: 25 Jun 2024, 02:09 PM