What is this project about?

    Council directed Administration in December 2023 to prepare a report with a strategy to engage a representative sample of older adults about the services and programs they require in the County, including a potential hub in Sherwood Park. 

    A three-phase strategy will occur throughout 2024 to capture a representative sample of older adults' priorities and needs to inform a vision of healthy aging in Strathcona County and provide recommendations to Council. 

    The first phase begins on April 10, 2024, with a survey. More information about findings and the next phases will be shared over the coming weeks and months.

    The final report and recommendations will be presented to Council in the fall of 2024.  

    When does the survey open?

    The survey will open on April 10, 2024 and close on May 10, 2024. 

    I'm not 55+. Can I still take the survey?

    Yes! Healthy aging affects all of us, and hearing from our entire community is important to ensure our healthy aging vision for Strathcona County supports current and future generations.

    I know someone who would like to participate, but they don't have internet. How can they share their thoughts?

    Our project team will be offering different ways for our community to share their input, including for those who don't have internet access or are unable to leave their home. More information about this will be shared on this page in the coming weeks.

    Why is the County running another survey about older adults/seniors services and supports?

    Previous engagement results showed there wasn't a clear consensus among older adults that will meet their needs and priorities. Developing a vision and recommendations for healthy aging in Strathcona County is important for our current and future generations of older adults. 

    The County and Council want to ensure we hear from as many older adults and residents as possible to accurately reflect the needs and priorities of our older adults to help develop the vision of healthy aging and inform our next steps.


    What is a representative sample?

    A representative sample is a sample from part of a population (in this project, 55+ older adults) that accurately represents that group.