05 March 2024

Older Adults Engagement Strategy presentation to Council

10 April → 10 May 2024

Phase 1: Public survey

Engaging with Strathcona County older adults 55+ and our community as a whole to begin developing a vision of healthy aging in Strathcona County and better understand our community's priorities and needs.

May 2024

Reporting Phase 1 findings to Council and our community

July → October 2024

Phase 2: Community consultation and conversations

Sign up for project notices and watch this page for future details about these opportunities.

September 2024

What We Heard Report to Council

A report of what we heard from the community in the spring public survey will be shared with Council in September and posted to County Voice.

December 2024

Phase 3: Community event and feedback

Sharing the Healthy Aging vision, the draft framework developed based on community feedback and a summary of findings with the community. Sign up for project notices for future details about this event.

February 2025

Report to Priorities Committee

Presenting the final report on engagement findings and the vision of healthy aging to Council to inform decisions and next steps.